Fort Stanton Kids

The families of Fort Stanton, New Mexico

During its years as a Marine Hospital Service and Public Health Service hospital, the children of the families stationed at Fort Stanton enjoyed a unique way of life. With 27,000 acres of ranch land and a sparkling river as their playground, merchant seamen from all over the globe from whom to learn about the outside world, horses to ride, and parents who gave them freedom to roam. 


[Fort Stanton family photos taken between early 1920s and mid 1950s]


[Fort Stanton family photos taken at reunions held between 2003 and 2010.]

Their Stories


Former Fort Stanton kids, Claire Boyd Fluharty and Danna Kusianovich Henderson gathered their stories of a way of life long past for authors Lynda A. Sanchez and James McBride to preserve in books now available for purchase in our online shop and in the Fort Stanton Museum

Jim McBride has documented the history of the German internment camp that occupied a portion of Fort Stanton during World War II in a fourth book, while Lynda Sanchez's book documents Fort Stanton's history from prehistoric days to the present and features contemporary photography by David Tremblay.