PHOTO: Monterrey Elementary School
88 students from Monterrey Elementary School in Roswell joined us for a tour. Here we have John Schultz drilling the new recruits in the manual of arms.

PHOTO: Boy Scout Troop 59
Spending a little time tonight in the wonderful company of Boy Scout Troop 59 out of Ruidoso. It's always a honor to have them here and we appreciate all their hard work to make Fort Stanton beautiful.

PHOTO: Mustache contest
To celebrate Fort Stanton's 162nd birthday, we had a little impromptu mustache contest! Who do you think has the best mustache?
By the way, these two young ladies from Cloudcroft kept their mustaches on during the entire tour here at Fort Stanton. Well done ladies.

PHOTO: Dexter Elementary Grade 4
This was Dexter Elementary's first trip to Fort Stanton and all 70 of the 4th graders enjoyed their day.

PHOTO: Cloudcroft Elementary
Students from Cloudcroft Elementary came to help us celebrate Fort Stanton’s birthday with a school tour. With lots of help from our volunteers, everyone enjoyed the day.

PHOTO: Fort Sumner Middle School
We were visited by students from Fort Sumner Middle School. Everyone had a great time digging in the dirt and playing with the cannons!

PHOTO: Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts grooming and feeding the horses early in the morning.

PHOTO: Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts learning archaeological techniques.

PHOTO: DeLaGarza family of Nogal
Fort Stanton received its 18,000th visitor for the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) which is the highest visitation the fort has ever had and our goal for this year. Fittingly, a local family helped us realize that goal. The DeLaGarza family of Nogal with their extended family the Jones family from Carlsbad visited during Garrison Day. They are pictured here with volunteers from Fort Stanton as we celebrated their arrival.