PHOTO: Volunteers
These are just some of the many wonderful people who help us out for our school tours here at Fort Stanton Historic Site. We would NEVER be able to do what we do for others without all these people. Many thanks for their hard work and dedication.

PHOTO: EcoServants Volunteers
There's nothing like the manpower (and womanpower) of the EcoServants. They've been working extra hard to help us out in preparation for our Fort Stanton LIVE! event.

PHOTO: EcoServant Volunteers
Maintenance Lead David is being assisted by two of our EcoServants in constructing a raised garden bed.

PHOTO: Furniture Making
Fort Stanton has been putting its wood shop to work helping out Lincoln Historic Site.
We've created representations of the furniture that was in the Lincoln County Court House during the time that Billy the Kid was held there awaiting execution for the murder of Sheriff William Brady. During that time, Billy was held in a room on the northeast corner of the court house's second floor. The only furniture in that room were 'a card table, a cot and a couple of chairs'. We have recreated that scene as you see here.
When Billy the Kid escaped on April 28, 1881, he killed both Deputy James Bell and Deputy Robert Olinger to do so. The window to the right is the location from which the Kid shot Olinger with a double barrel shotgun.

PHOTO: Infrastructure upgrade
As part of our infrastructure upgrading, Fort Stanton is receiving a new water storage tank. Here we see our contractor pouring the concrete ring foundation which will be the base of a new 325,000 gallon water tank.