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Hours and Days of Operation: 

Thursday through Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed Tuesday and Wednesday


$7 for adults. Free for children 16 years and younger. NM residents with ID admitted free the first Sunday of every month.

Visit with a New Mexico CulturePass! New Mexico CulturePass allows one visit to each historic site for only $30. Learn more HERE.

Phone: 575-354-8032


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead


Volunteers assist Fort Stanton Historic Site by donating their time and skills. We could not do what we do without them. Join the fun! Get Started Today >>

Americorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps)

Community Service.

We welcome the assistance of the National Civilian Community Corps, or AmeriCorps NCCC, volunteers. AmeriCorps is a program that engages 18- to 24-year-olds in team-based national and community service in the United States. Get started today.

Fort Stanton Docents

Museum. Gift Shop. Tour Guides.

A big thank you to our many other volunteers who help with the myriad of activities and programs at Fort Stanton.

A big thank you to our many other volunteers who help with the myriad of activities and programs at Fort Stanton.

How could we function without our local volunteers?! Become a Fort Stanton Docent and receive one to two hours of orientation to become familiar with Museum and Gift Shop operations. Additional instruction is available to those interested in conducting tours of the grounds. Following orientation we will assign you to shadow an experienced volunteer. When you are ready, you will be put on the schedule for a 3-hour shift.

Fort Stanton Garrison

Education. Historic preservation. Interpretation.

The Fort Stanton Garrison is a volunteer Living History organization dedicated to reenacting history of both the pre-Civil War era (1858) and the Indian Wars era (1873)



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Help to preserve and maintain this extraordinary piece of New Mexico history and expand our educational programs for generations to come.

Membership for the Fort Stanton Historic Site is through Fort Stanton, Inc., a non-profit 501-c-3 corporation dedicated to site preservation and visitor programming.

We look forward to seeing you soon!